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Check envshh help utils for more details

There are some extra commands in envshh which are not directly related to the core functionality of envshh but may come in handy in related works. These commands are:




Encrypt a single file using a password (Will be prompted). The encrypted file will be saved in the same directory with the same name with output.env extension unless specified via the -o, --output option.


  • input <inputFilePath> (Required): Path of the file to encrypt


  • output -o, --output <outputFilePath> (Optional): Path of the output file. Default: output.env
  • isenv -isenv, --isenv (Optional): If the input file is a .env file. Default: false
  • replace -r, --replace (Optional): Replace the input file with the encrypted file. Default: false

    This will not create any output file. The input file will be replaced with the encrypted file.

Example Usage

envshh utils encryptFile ./my-file.txt
envshh utils encryptFile ./my-file.txt -o ./my-encrypted-file.txt
envshh utils encryptFile ./my-file.txt -isenv
envshh utils encryptFile ./my-file.txt -r


Decrypt a single file using a password (Will be prompted). The decrypted file will be saved in the same directory with the same name with output.env extension unless specified via the -o, --output option.


  • input <inputFilePath> (Required): Path of the file to decrypt


  • output -o, --output <outputFilePath> (Optional): Path of the output file. Default: output.env
  • isenv -isenv, --isenv (Optional):
  • replace -r, --replace (Optional): Replace the input file with the decrypted file. Default: false

    This will not create any output file. The input file will be replaced with the decrypted file.

Example Usage

envshh utils decryptFile ./my-file.env
envshh utils decryptFile ./my-file.env -o ./my-decrypted-file.txt
envshh utils decryptFile ./my-file.env -isenv
envshh utils decryptFile ./my-file.env -r


Encrypt a string using a password (Will be prompted). The encrypted string will be printed in the console unless specified via the -o, --output option.


  • text <inputString> (Required): String to encrypt


  • output -o, --output <outputFilePath> (Optional): Path of the output file. Default: Will print in the console

Example Usage

envshh utils encryptString
envshh utils encryptString -o ./my-encrypted-string.txt


Decrypt a string using a password (Will be prompted). The decrypted string will be printed in the console unless specified via the -o, --output option.


  • text <inputString> (Required): String to decrypt


  • output -o, --output <outputFilePath> (Optional): Path of the output file. Default: Will print in the console

Example Usage

envshh utils decryptString
envshh utils decryptString -o ./my-decrypted-string.txt