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Check envshh help instance for more details from the command line

Learn everything about Instance




Create a new instance


envshh instance create <options>


  • instanceName i, --instance <instanceName> (Required. But if you don’t provide it, it will prompt for the value in interactive mode)
  • remoteRepoUrl -r, --remote <remote-url> (Optional)
  • localDirectory -d, --directory <directory> (Optional)


envshh instance create # Create instance in interactive mode
envshh instance create -i work -r -d /home/codes/work-envs # create a new instance named work with remote repository url and local directory path in non-interactive mode


Modify an existing instance


Provide the old instance name and the options you want to change e.g. If you want to change the remote repository url of an instance named work, run the following command envshh instance edit -i work -r

envshh instance edit <options>


  • oldInstanceName i, --instance <instanceName> (Required. But if you don’t provide it, it will prompt for the value in interactive mode) Previous Instance Name
  • newInstanceName --new-name <new-name> (Optional) Change the name of the instance with —new-name option
  • remoteRepoUrl -r, --remote <remote-url> (Optional) Change the remote repository url with -r or —remote option.
    • If you want to remove the remote repository url in interactive mode, just enter “none” as the value of the option.
    • Removing the remote repository url will make the instance work in offline mode all the time.
    • Changing the remote repository url with a new url will make the instance work in online mode. However, all of the previous commits will be sqaushed to a new commit and set the origin the new repo url.
  • localDirectory -d, --directory <directory> (Optional) Change the local directory path with -d or —directory option
    • Changing the localDirectory will move all previous .envs as well as git commits to the new directory.


envshh instance edit -i work # Modify the work instance in interactive mode
envshh instance edit -i work -r -d /home/codes/work-envs # Modify the work instance in non-interactive mode


Remove the local directory (including all the .envs) of an instance. It will also delete the instance from database. But the remote repository will not be deleted from the hosted git server. So you cannot do push -i <instance-name> or pull -i <instance-name> anymore. But as it will not be deleted from the hosted git server, you can create a new instance with remote repository url and get those .envs back.


envshh instance remove -i <instance-name>

Other Options

  • yes -y, --yes (Optional): Skip confirmation prompt


envshh instance remove -i work -y # Remove the work instance without confirmation prompt


Remove all the .envs from the local directory and remote repository and re-git-initialize the local directory and remote repository. Basically it will reset the instance to the initial state keeping the instance name, reomte repository url, and local directory path same and deleting all the .envs.


envshh instance reset -i <instance-name>

Other Options

  • yes -y, --yes (Optional): Skip confirmation prompt


envshh instance reset -i work -y